Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I have a challenge for you

I got a call the other day from a mother looking for guitar lessons for her son. She wanted to know about the lessons; how long each lesson was , how much they cost and what I would be teaching her son. She informed me that her brother played guitar and tried to show her son some things to try on the guitar but he was having trouble with this information. The reason her son was having trouble was because her brother tried to show the child chords and arrangements to songs he would listen to on the radio or you tube or on his iPod. The beginning guitar player is not strong enough to play chords at first and hardly able to play songs.
 My recommendation and method is to start with notes and one note melody lines. This enables the student to strengthen his hands and develop the agility with his hands that is needed to play the guitar. As I have told my beginning students  and their parents it can be difficult enough to learn to change from one note to another before trying to change from one chord to another.

This is where my challenge is for you or anyone you may know that is interested in starting to learn to play the guitar. I challenge you to take a look at my mini lesson videos on You Tube:
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
If you pay close attention to these mini lesson video's you can begin to learn what is involved in beginning to learn guitar. Now if you would like more instruction on these lessons you can go to www.gtrteacher.com and check out the free lessons where you will find more information on these same lessons.

This is my challenge to you and I would also ask you to pass this information along to anyone interested in beginning guitar lessons.

Thanks and hope to see you at Music Ala Carte,
Bob Swinton

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