Some times the best intentions create their own stumbling blocks. Many of you have said to yourselves, "I really want to learn to play the guitar" or "this summer I will start to learn to play the guitar". May be not exactly these words but some thing along those lines. And I believe you meant every word but things can get in the way; not enough time, I don't have a guitar, where do I find a guitar, where do I go for lessons or it's a little to expensive. All of these points are quite valid and I understand any or all of them can get in the way of what you would like to do. So, at I have tried to help out with some of these obstacles.
At Music Ala Carte I have online video guitar lessons, 24 hour access, you can learn and practice your guitar at any time. All videos are easy to follow and all exercises can be printed out any time. I also have a bargain box on the home page of where you can find good deals on solid beginner guitars along with sites for other guitar accessories. The expense of musical instrument lessons has always been intimidating, the the guitar is no exception but at if you look under the FREE Lesson tab you will find beginning lessons and songs you can learn if you already know some chords or just want to try them on for size. I stronglyy recommend a visit to to take a look at learning the guitar online.
Please stop by and register so I can keep you updated on the news at Music Ala Carte.
Bob Swinton